Qigong is an ancient Chinese self-care healing and mindfulness practice which uses movement, breath, intention, meditation sound and self-massage to improve the functioning of every cell, every organ and every system of the body. When we practice Qigong we can reduce or alleviate chronic and acute patterns of stress and pain not only physically but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Qi pronounced “Chee” is not an easy word to describe in the English language as it can really only be known through experience. Qi can be thought of as the unseen primal power of the universe, a resource that nourishes and sustains all of life. It gives us the gift of being able to know and experience the eternal aspect of our being. Qi connects and flows through everyone and everything. It makes us and everything in the universe what it is. We are swimming in an ocean of Qi and with practice and awareness, we can learn how to access and align with this force to feel empowered, healthy and happy.
Gong pronounced “Gung”, means to practice or cultivate, to attend to, as we would attend to any activity that gives our life meaning, purpose and pleasure.
Qigong, therefore, is the art of cultivating, attending to and harmonizing our vital force energy. It is at least 4,000 years old and is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine.